
农村“两权”抵押贷款:实践探索、经验借鉴与路径设计--基于甘肃酒泉视角 被引量:2

The Rural “Two Rights” Mortgage Loans: Practice and Exploration,Experiences and Path Design——Based on the Perspective of Jiuquan in Gansu Province
摘要 农村土地承包经营权、农民住房财产权(以下简称"两权")是农村最重要的生产资料,也是农民最具有潜在价值的重要财产。如何在现有法律法规的框架下,稳妥推进农村"两权"的确权、流转、担保和抵押,对于有效盘活农村沉睡资源,激发农村产权交易和金融市场活力具有十分重要的意义。党的十八大以来,中央针对农村土地产权制度改革出台了一系列新的纲领性政策文件。十八届三中全会明确提出,"赋予农民对承包土地占有、使用、收益、流转及承包经营权抵押、担保权能"、"改革完善农村宅基地制度,慎重稳妥推进农民住房财产抵押、担保、转让"。这一政策表述既为各地开展农村产权制度改革试点和抵押融资改革指明了方向,为农村经济和金融发展释放了巨大的改革红利,同时也为银行扩大农村信贷市场提供了重要机遇,为我国实现城乡统筹发展描绘了美好的愿景。《决定》出台近两年,我们对甘肃酒泉农村"两权"抵押贷款探索实践进行了调查,并对国内其他省份开展此类业务的经验模式进行了总结,有针对性地提出了欠发达地区农村"两权"抵押贷款业务的实现路径。 Rural land contractual management right and farmers housing property right(hereinafter referred to as"two rights") is the most important means of production in the rural areas, and is also the farmers' most important property with potential value. In the framework of the existing laws and regulations, how to steadily promote the approval, transfer, guarantee and mortgage of rural"two rights"is of great significance to revitalize rural idle resources effectively, activate rural property right transaction and financial market. Since the 18 th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, a series of new guiding policy documents have been issued by the central government in view of the rural land property rights system reform. The third plenary session of the 18 th CCCPC clearly put forward that"granting farmers to possess, use, get income from, transfer contracted land and contractual management mortgage right and guarantee right","reforming and improving the system of rural house-site, and prudentially and steadily pushing farmers housing property mortgage, guarantee and transfer". The statement of the policy not only points out the direction of carrying out the pilot reform of rural property right system and the mortgage financing reform, but also releases huge bonuses for the rural economic and financial development, and also provides an important opportunity for banks to expand rural credit markets, and describes a beautiful vision for China's urban and rural harmonious development. Two years after the policy was issued, the practice of"two rights"mortgage loan in rural areas of Jiuquan was investigated, and the experiences of this kind of business model in other domestic provinces were summarized. In the end, the paper puts forward the implementation path of"two rights"mortgage loan business in underdeveloped rural areas.
出处 《西部金融》 2016年第5期79-82,共4页 West China Finance
关键词 农村金融 “两权”抵押贷款 rural finance "Two Rights" Mortgage Loans
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