通过对新疆奎屯垦区3个团场现有自流井水的采样测定,研究了该地区地下水中砷、氟的污染现状、砷和氟的相关性,并对该地区砷氟复合污染的成因进行了分析,同时与中国北方其他砷、氟污染较为严重的地区进行了对比。结果表明:新疆奎屯3个团场自流井水中砷浓度在0.079~0.381 mg/L、氟浓度在2.30~8.02 mg/L,均高于国家饮用水标准,属于重度污染,砷最高值为饮用水标准的38倍,氟最高值为饮用水标准的8倍;自流井水中砷与氟呈显著正相关,砷与海拔高度呈显著负相关,氟与海拔高度呈极显著负相关;新疆奎屯垦区地下水属于原生高砷高氟地下水,该地区为第四纪洪积平原,气候干燥、蒸发量远大于降水量,蒸发浓缩作用强烈,该地区地下水中砷和氟浓度高于我国北方其它高砷高氟地区。
On the basis of sampling and determination of the water from the existing artesian wells in three corps farms in Kuitun reclamation area of Xinjiang, the current status of arsenic and fluorine pollution in the groundwater and the correlation between arsenic and fluorine are studied. The causes of combined arsenic-fluoride pollution in such area are analyzed. Comparison is also made with other areas in the North China with more serious arsenic and fluoride pollution. The results show that the contents of arsenic and fluoride in the groundwater range from 0.079 mg/L to 0.381 mg/L and from 2.30 mg/L to 8.02 mg/L respectively, indicating that the contents exceed the national drinking water standards and consequently the groundwater is in a state of heavy pollution. The maximal values of arsenic and fluoride are 38 times and 8 times as much as the limits regulated in the national standards. There is a positive correlation between arsenic and fluorine in the groundwater. Arsenic is negatively correlated with altitude and there is extremely significant negative correlation between fluoride and altitude. The groundwater in Kuitun reclamation area belongs to the native groundwater with high levels of arsenic and fluoride. This area is the Quaternary diluvial plain, with typical arid climate. Consequently, Evaporation is much larger than precipitation and concentration of arsenic and fluoride caused by evaporation is strong. As a result, contents of arsenic and fluoride in the groundwater in such area are higher than other areas with high levels of arsenic and fluoride in the North China.
Environmental Protection Science
Arsenic Pollution
Fluorine Pollution
Kuitun Reclamation Area