
升级与扩展:日美同盟与日本介入南海问题的战略透视 被引量:3

Update and Expansion :A Strategic Perspective on the Japan-U.S. Alliance and Japan's Involvement in the South China Sea Issue
摘要 南海问题已成为21世纪第二个十年中大国安全互动的热点之一。在中美两国围绕南海问题进行复杂较量和博弈的同时,日本也在积极谋划和设计对南海问题的战略介入,这无疑会使本已复杂的南海局势更为复杂。有鉴于此,本文以日美两国推进对南海问题的战略参与为切入点,分析了日美同盟战略升级和战略扩展的基本趋向,阐释了日本对南海问题积极参与的战略动因,并结合日本新国家安全战略的实践,对日美合作的未来态势进行了前瞻与预判。日本积极介入南海安全博弈既是其国家安全战略转型的结果,也是迎合美国再平衡战略而转变日美安全合作方式的具体措施,其目标是以日美同盟为基础建立新的地区安全机制,防范和遏制中国的崛起,塑造和重构一个有利于日本的安全秩序与战略空间。 The South China Sea issue has become one of hot spots in the second decade of the 21 st Century. Besides the complex Sino-U.S. dispute and game around the South China Sea issue,Japan is actively planning and designing strategic intervention to the South China Sea issue,which will undoubtedly make the complex situation of the South China Sea more complex. In view of this,with Japan and the United States promoting strategic involvement,this paper analyzes the basic trend of Japan-U.S. alliance's strategic update and strategic expansion,and explains the motivation of Japan,combined with the practice of Japan's new national security strategy so as to make an outlook and judgment for the future trend of the Japan-U.S. cooperation. This paper argues that the active involvement for Japan in the South China Sea security game is not only the result of the transformation of its national security strategy,but also specific measures for Japan-U.S. security cooperation's way which is catering to the rebalance strategy of the United States. Japan is aiming to establish new regional security mechanism which involves the Japan-U.S. alliance as the base,to prevent and restrain the rise of China,and to shape and reconstruct security order and strategic space which is helpful for Japan.
出处 《东北亚论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期94-102,128,共9页 Northeast Asia Forum
基金 2013年国家社科基金重点项目(13AGJ003)
关键词 日中关系 中美关系 南海争端 日美同盟 地区安全 行为模式 Japan-China Relation Sino-U.S.Relation South China Sea Dispute Japan-U.S.Alliance Regional Security Behavioral Pattern
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