

A Multipath Track Fusion Algorithm for OTHR with Simplified Propagation Modes
摘要 针对天波超视距雷达(OTHR)多径传播现象引起的航迹-路径模糊性问题,提出了一种模式简化的OTHR多径航迹融合算法。该算法先对经概率数据互联(PDA)算法滤波所得航迹进行聚类;然后,将同类航迹与简化后的传播模式匹配,加权得到某一关联假设下目标地理状态估计;最后,对所有关联假设下的目标地理状态估计加权融合,得到最终的目标地理状态估计。文中先通过设计仿真实验验证了简化模式的合理性,并对所提算法进行了仿真、测试。结果表明:模式简化后,并未影响多径航迹融合算法融合性能,但算法计算量与复杂度大大降低,并在某些航迹模式缺失的情况下,还能降低算法融合误差,改善融合效果。 The muhipath propagation of sky-wave over-the-horizon radar { OTHR) makes the ambiguity between tracks and propa- gation modes. A muhipath track fusion algorithm for OTHR with simplified propagation modes is proposed. Firstly, the tracks pro- duced by the Probabilistic Data Association ( PDA ) filter are classified. Next, the target state estimation in ground coordinate un- der a hypothesis is obtained by associating the tracks in a cluster with simplified propagation modes. Finally, the final target state estimation is obtained by fusion of all the target state estimations under all hypothesizes. In this paper, a simulation experiment is designed to demonstrate the reasonability of simplifying propagation modes. Then, the proposed algorithm is simulated and tested. The results show that the algorithm performance of fusing the tracks is not influenced after simplifying propagation modes. On the contrary, the calculation and complexity of the algorithm is greatly decreased. In addition to this, the state estimation error is decreased under condition of the lack of some propagation modes, compared with the original algorithm.
出处 《现代雷达》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期82-85,共4页 Modern Radar
基金 国防预研项目(40***01) 教育部支撑计划(62***03)
关键词 多径传播 模式简化 航迹融合 multipath propagation simplify propagation modes track fusion
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