
中美礼仪差异的人己关系分析 被引量:1

Analysis of Sino-U.S. Differences in Social Etiquette from the Standpoint of Self-Other Relations
摘要 研究从人己关系结构的角度对中美社交礼仪在恭雅洁三方面的差异进行比较分析。中国人的礼仪行为反映了熟人社会的人己关系,把他人按亲疏分类然后加以区别对待。美国人的礼仪行为反映了生人社会的人己关系,强调个人的独立和自立,形成了不分亲疏、一视同仁的礼仪原则。当今中美礼仪的差异在一定程度上反映了社会经济发展的两个不同时期在生活方式上的差别,随着中国现代化的不断深入,中美礼仪差异会逐渐缩小,但中国人的礼仪行为依然会具有中国的特点。 This paper presents a comparative analysis,from the standpoint of self-other relations,of Sino-U.S. differences in the three aspects of social etiquette:deference,elegance,and cleanness. The Chinese ritual practice reflects the self-other relations of an acquaintance society in which others are treated differently based on their social proximity to the self,whereas the American ritual practice reflects the self-other relations of a stranger society in which others are treated indiscriminately and equally based on the principle of independence and self-reliance. To certain extent, the current Sino-U.S. differences in social etiquette represent differences in mode of living at two different stages of societal development and the differences will be gradually narrowed as China's modernization further develops;nevertheless, the Chinese ritual practice will always retain its Chinese characteristics.
作者 赵善阳
机构地区 美国天普大学
出处 《湖南师范大学社会科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期60-67,共8页 Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University
关键词 礼貌 礼仪 人己关系 中美比较 politeness self-other relations Sino-U S comparison social etiquette
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