
阿尔巴斯绒山羊iPSCs诱导及培养体系的优化 被引量:1

Optimization of Induced and Cultivation System of Arbas Cashmere Goat iPSCs
摘要 阿尔巴斯绒山羊多潜能干细胞(giPSCs)在遗传育种方面有重要的应用价值,然而目前还没有完善的giPSCs诱导及培养体系。为了获得稳定的giPSCs诱导及培养体系,根据培养基中添加的血清和小分子化合物的不同,构建了5组不同的培养基体系,分别观察了giPSCs在不同培养基中的生长状态、增殖能力以及重编程效率,并检测了不同组giPSCs的多潜能性,最后分析了不同小分子化合物的组合对giPSCs重编程效率和干细胞标记基因表达的影响。结果发现,血清的添加更适合giPSCs的诱导培养,小分子化合物Vc、VPA和LiCL能有效促进giPSCs的生成和自我更新。这为完善而稳定的绒山羊i PSCs诱导培养体系的建立奠定了基础,并且为阿尔巴斯绒山羊胚胎干细胞的建系提供了试验平台。 The induced pluripotent stem cells of Arbas cashmere goats( giPSCs) have significant values in genetic breeding,however,nowadays there are no compatible induced and cultivation medium systems of giPSCs. In order to establish a stable and complete induced and cultivation medium system,In this study,we showed that five different cultivation medium systems with different combination of serum and small molecules were able to generate the giPSCs. The growth status,subculture ability and reprogramming efficiency of giPSCs which derived from five different cultivation medium systems were observed,and pluripotency of these giPSCs was detected. At last,the influence of different combinations of small moleculars on the reprogramming efficiency and expression of pluripotent genes of giPSCs were analyzed. We found that serum promoted the generation of giPSCs and Vc,VPA and LiCL could accelerate the generation and self renewal of giPSCs. The research provided foundation for further study on stable and complete induced cultivation medium system of Arbas cashmere goat i PSCs,and experimental platform for embryonic stem cell line of Arbas cashmere goats.
出处 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期106-113,共8页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica
基金 转基因生物新品种培育重大专项(2011ZX08008-002)
关键词 阿尔巴斯绒山羊 IPSCS 诱导及培养基体系 小分子化合物 Arbas cashmere goat iPSCs Induced and cultivation medium system Small molecules
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