
长期定位施肥土壤硝态氮和铵态氮积累特征及其与玉米产量的关系 被引量:33

Characteristics of Nitrate Nitrogen and Ammonium Nitrogen Accumulation in Soil and Its Relationship with Maize Yield on Long-term Located Fertilization
摘要 为潮土中硝态氮和铵态氮的运移、积累特征及其与夏玉米产量之间的关系,以始于1978年的莱阳长期定位施肥试验为基础,在2014,2015年夏玉米收获后,分别测定0~20,20~40,40~60,60~80,80~100 cm土层硝态氮、铵态氮含量,并计算0~100 cm不同土层硝态氮、铵态氮积累量及夏玉米产量。结果表明:施用有机肥或化学氮肥均能提高土壤硝态氮或铵态氮含量及其积累量;在0~100 cm土层中各处理硝态氮的垂直迁移趋势不同,而铵态氮的垂直迁移趋势基本一致;与化肥相比,施用有机肥可滞缓硝态氮向土壤深层淋溶,但两者对铵态氮向土壤深层迁移趋势的影响不明显;长期施用有机肥、氮肥对硝态氮、铵态氮积累量的影响均达极显著水平,且对土壤硝态氮积累量存在极显著的交互效应;与长期不施肥M_0N_0(CK)相比,施肥处理(M_0N_1、M_0N_2、M_1N_0、M_1N_1、M_1N_2、M_2N_0、M_2N_1、M_2N_2)硝态氮积累量、铵态氮积累量分别显著增加112%~396%和69%~259%(P〈0.05);在0~20,0~40,0~60,0~80,0~100 cm各土层中,硝态氮、铵态氮积累量与夏玉米产量具有不同线性关系。研究表明,合理的有机无机肥配施可以降低土壤硝态氮、铵态氮淋溶及其积累,从而有利于提高作物产量,维持农田土壤生态系统的稳定性,促进农业可持续发展并保护地下水源。 Based on the long-term located fertilization experiment of Laiyang,Shandong Province,China,began in 1978,to study the transport and accumulation characteristics of nitrate nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen in the Fluvo-aquic soil and its relationship with the summer maize yield. The test set organic fertilizer( M),nitrogen fertilizer( N) 2 factors,3 levels,9 treatment; 3 levels of organic fertilizer( M) : M_0( 0 t/ha),M_1( 30 t/ha),M_2( 60 t/ha),and 3 levels of nitrogen fertilizer( N) : N_0( 0 kg /ha),N_1( 138 kg /ha),N2( 276 kg /ha). After summer corn harvest in 2014 and 2015,the contents of nitrate nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen in soil 0- 20,20- 40,40- 60,60- 80 and 80- 100 cm were measured respectively,the accumulation of nitrate nitrogen,ammonium nitrogen in different soil depth of 0- 100 cm and the summer corn yield were calculated. The results showed that the amount of nitrate nitrogen,ammonium nitrogen and its accumulation amount in soil could be improved by applying organic fertilizer or nitrogen fertilizer. In the 0- 100 cm soil layer,the vertical migration trends of nitrate nitrogen of different treatments were different,but the vertical migration trend of ammonium nitrogen were basically the same. Compared with chemical fertilizer,application of organic fertilizer could slow nitrate to the deep soil leaching,but both of ammonium nitrogen to influence the trend of migration in deep soil was not obvious. Long-term application of organic fertilizer,nitrogen fertilizer on nitrate nitrogen,ammonium nitrogen accumulation amount of the impact of extremely significant level,there was extremely significant interaction effect on the accumulation of nitrate nitrogen in soil. Compared with the M_0N_0( CK),the accumulation of nitrate nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen in the addition of fertilization treatments were significantly respectively increased by 112%- 396% and 69%- 259% at P〈0. 05. In 0- 20,0- 40,0- 60,0- 80,0- 100 cm in each soil layer,the nitrate nitrogen accumulation and the ammonium nitrogen accumulation had different linear relationship with summer maize yield. Research showed that rational application of organic and inorganic fertilizers could reduce the accumulation of nitrate nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen in soil and the leaching,and it is advantageous to improve the yield of crops,maintain the stability of the soil ecosystem,promote the sustainable development of agriculture and protect the groundwater resources.
出处 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期176-181,共6页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica
基金 山东省现代农业产业技术体系建设经费资助系项目(SDAIT-01-022-06) 鲁东丘陵区小麦玉米水肥自然资源高效利用综合技术集成与示范研究项目(2013BAD07B06-03) 公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201203030)
关键词 长期定位施肥 硝态氮 铵态氮 积累特征 玉米产量 Long-term located fertilization Nitrate nitrogen Ammonium nitrogen Accumulation characteristics Maize yield
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