该研究考察了不同pH(3、5、7、9和11)处理对醉马草内生真菌共生体幼苗的形态指标、叶绿素、可溶性糖以及麦角酰胺和麦角新碱含量的影响,以明确共生体幼苗生长和产碱的最适pH条件。结果表明:(1)醉马草内生真菌共生体幼苗株高、根长、分蘖和生物量等均在pH 7时(达到最大)显著高于其他4个酸碱处理,而且4个生长指标在强碱性处理下均显著高于强酸处理。(2)幼苗叶绿素含量也在pH 7的中性条件下(达到最高)显著高于pH 3、pH 5和pH 11处理,且强碱性处理下叶绿素含量也显著高于强酸处理,但幼苗可溶性糖含量在不同pH处理之间没有显著变化。(3)在相同时间内,醉马草内生真菌共生体幼苗麦角酰胺和麦角新碱含量均随环境pH值升高而增加;在处理时间为15d时,麦角酰胺在pH 9~11处理下积累量最多,麦角新碱含量在pH 11处理下达到最大值,酸性条件抑制醉马草内生真菌共生体幼苗产碱。研究发现,醉马草内生真菌共生体幼苗在中性环境条件下生长最佳,且在碱性条件下生长较酸性条件下生长良好,而体内麦角酰胺和麦角新碱的积累在强碱性条件下达到峰值,可将醉马草内生真菌共生体应用于盐碱地的栽培绿化。
A study was conducted to investigate the effects of different pH(3,5,7,9,11)on variations of growth and ergot alkaloids concentrations in symbiont of Epichloe gansuensis-Achnatherum inebrians seed- ling. The results showed that. 1) the plant height, root length and biomass of A. inebrians had peak value under pH 7,and had significant differences (P〈0.05) than the other four pH treatments,and the four kinds of growth index under strong alkaline treatment were significantly (P^0.05) higher than that under acid treatment. 2)Chlorophyll content had maximum under pH 7, which had significant(P〈0.05) differ- ences higher than that of pH = 3,5 and pH 11,and under strong alkaline treatment were significantly (P〈 0.05) more than acid treatment. Soluble sugar under five pH treatments difference was not significant (P〈0.05). 3)The contents of ergine under pH 9-11 had a peak value at 15 d,which had significant(P〈 0.05) difference with other treatments. The contents of ergonovine under pill1 had maximum at 15 d, which were significantly(P〈0.05) enhanced by increasing pH. To sum up,Symbiotic seedlings grow best under neutral conditions and under alkaline conditions grow well more than that under acidic conditions. However, the accumulation of ergine and ergonovine had peak values under strong alkaline conditions. Comprehensive growth and ergot alkliold production,the symbionts can be used in the cultivation of saline-alkali land greening.
Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica