In Sophocles'Oedipus Tyrannus, Oedipus'solution of Sphinx' riddle means that he complies with nature in order to be a philosopher.Thus it is necessary for him, as Nietzsche says, to challenge the "socalled" holy nature, that is, to challenge the legislator of the ancestral religion. Oedipus, however, strives to comply with the true holy nature and thus to be the legislator of the new religion by complying with the nature of the city, that is, by making a good monarch. But he complies with the nature of the city in such a hubristic wayas to "rape nature" (Nietzsche): to kill his own father, to marry his own mother, to hound her to death; at last he digs out his own eyeballs and abdicates and leads a secluded life.It seems that a philosopher being a monarch has to be hubristicwhile"hubris gets birth to tyrants". As a matter of fact, his diging out his own eyeballs means truly complying with the nature of the city and thus truly beginning his own philosophic life. To sum up, Oedipus is finally not a tyrant, but becomes a potential Platonic Philosopher-King.
Academic Monthly