
政府与市场双轮驱动下的家庭农场发展路径选择——基于上海松江、浙江宁波的调查数据分析 被引量:9

Path Choice for Development of Family Farms Under the Driving Pattern of Two Engines Including Both the Government and the Market——Based on Stata Analysis of Investigations Conducted at Songjiang District in Shanghai and Ningbo in Zhejiang Province
摘要 家庭农场已成为我国具有战略意义的新型农业生产经营方式,然而其发展前景并不明朗。该文基于农业部推荐的两大模式上海松江、浙江宁波家庭农场的实地考察,认为松江模式为典型的政府主导模式,而宁波模式有着明显的市场导向。松江模式有利于保障地区粮食安全,有利于家庭农场规范化发展和社会公平正义,但面临巨额财政难以持续、后继无人、内生动力不足等问题;宁波模式起步早发展好,有利于农业增产增收,经营充满活力,但也有着土地流转、雇工较多、难以聚焦主粮生产等问题。该文认为,发展家庭农场应联系我国现实国情,坚持政府与市场双轮驱动模式。政府应积极作为确定产业结构和家庭农场的规模、运用补贴等经济手段引导农场发展和推进城乡统筹发展,但还是应该尊重经营者的主体地位,让市场在资源配置上发挥决定性作用。 Family farm has been a new main body of agricultural production and management which has strategic importance in China,but its development path and prospect are not clear.Based on on-the-spot investigations at the family farms located at Songjiang District,Shanghai and Ningbo,Zhejiang Province which are the two models recommended by the Ministry of Agriculture,the thesis holds that Songjiang Model is a model typically dominated by the government while Ningbo model has evident market orientation.Songjiang Model does help to guarantee regional food safety and is in favor of the standardized development of family farms and social equality and justice,but meanwhile it is faced with problems including unsustainable huge fiscal expenditure,lack of successors and insufficient endogenous power;Ningbo Model starts early and develops well,and it can increase agricultural production and income and its operation is full of vitality,but it is also restricted by some facts such as land transfer,more employees and the difficulty to focus on the production of staple food grain.The dissertation thinks that the development of family farms shall be combined with the present conditions of China and stick to the driving model of double engines,i.e.,the government and the market.The government shall actively do something to determine the industrial structure and the scale of family farms and make use of some economic mans like subsidies to guide the development of family farms and push forward balanced urban and rural development.However,the government shall also respect operators' status as the main body and let market play a decisive role in resource allocation.
机构地区 宁波大学法学院
出处 《上海经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期120-128,F0003,共10页 Shanghai Journal of Economics
基金 国家社科基金课题"农民工创业政策创新实证研究"(编号:15BSH046)的阶段成果
关键词 家庭农场 路径选择 政府主导 市场导向 Family Farm Path Choice Dominated By the Government Market Orientation
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