
平肝育阴清热法治疗干眼症疗效观察 被引量:9

Dry Eye Syndrome Treated by Liver-Calming and Yin Fluid-Tonifying and Internal Heat-Clearing Method
摘要 目的:观察平肝育阴清热法治疗干眼症的临床疗效。方法:系统回顾60例患者(120只眼)的临床相关资料,将干眼症60例(120只眼)分为A(治疗组)、B(对照组)。A组30例(60只眼),中医辨证符合阴虚阳亢证,口服平肝育阴清热方和熊胆胶囊加外用玻璃酸钠滴眼液治疗。B组30例(60只眼)给予外用玻璃酸钠滴眼液治疗。两组疗程均为8周。观察两组治疗后的疗效、A组治疗前后及治疗后A组与B组在泪液分泌量(SIT)、泪膜破裂时间(BUT)、角膜染色(FL)、眼部症状积分(包括眼干涩、异物感、眼痛、视物疲劳、眼红)的比较。结果:A、B两组治疗有效率分别为为76.67%和56.67%,差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。A组治疗后与治疗前及治疗后A组与B组在SIT、BUT、FL及眼部症状积分比较,差异均有非常显著性意义(P<0.01)。结论:平肝育阴清热法治疗阴虚阳亢型干眼症有较好疗效。 Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy of dry eye syndrome treated by liver- calming and Yin fluid-tonifying and internal heat- clearing method. Methods: This study reviewed the clinical data of 60 patients( 120 eyes)with dry eye syndrome. Thirty cases( 60 eyes) in group A were identified as Yin deficiency and Yang excess. They were treated by Bear Bile Capsules,Sodium Hyaluronate Eye Drops and the herbs which can calm liver,tonify Yin fluid and clear internal heat. Another thirty cases( 60 eyes) were treated only with topical Sodium Hyaluronate Eye Drops in group B. Both of two groups courses were eight weeks. Compare the curative effect of two groups after treatment. The improvement of group A before and after treatment and after treatment in group A and group B were abserved in the quantity of tears,the tear break- up time( BUT),the corneal fluorescein staining and the symptom score( including dry and rough eye,foreign body sensation in the eye,eye pain,visual fatigue,red eye). Results: The effective rate was 76. 67% in group A and 56. 67% in group B. The difference between the two groups was significant( P〈0. 05). The quantity of tears,the tear break- up time( BUT),the corneal fluorescein staining and the symptom score were extremely improved in group A after treatment( P〈0. 01). There was an extreme significant difference in efficacy in group A and group B after treatment( P〈0. 01). Conclusion: Liver-Calming and Yin Fluid-Tonifying and Internal Heart-Clearing method is effective in the treatment of Yin deficiency and Yang excess type of dry eye syndrome.
作者 廉海红
出处 《中华中医药学刊》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第5期1259-1262,共4页 Chinese Archives of Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 干眼症 平肝育阴清热法 熊胆胶囊 阴虚阳亢 dry eye syndrome liver-calming and Yin fluid-tonifying and internal heat-clearing method Bear Bile Capsules Yin deficiency and Yang excess
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