
苹果新品种‘冀苹1号’的选育 被引量:5

Breeding report of a new apple cultivar‘Jiping 1'
摘要 ‘冀苹1号’是由‘藤牧1号’通过自然实生选育出的早熟苹果新品种。果实圆锥形,平均单果质量146.8 g,最大217.5 g。果面洁净,底色绿黄,被鲜红色条纹。果肉乳黄色,肉质细脆多汁,风味酸甜适口,芳香浓郁,品质上等。果肉硬度11.1 kg·cm^(-2),可溶性固形物含量14.88%。果实7月下旬成熟,果实发育期90~100 d,成熟期一致,无采前落果,耐贮藏,抗病性和丰产性强,产量可达37.5 t·hm^(-2)。适宜在河北省苹果主产区及相似气候条件地区引种栽植。 New cultivar‘Jiping 1'is an early-season apple with excellent appearance. The seeding was derived from a cross between‘Tengmu 1'and its natural hybridization pollination in 2002 at experiment field in Shijiazhuang Pomology Institute, Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences. It was initially selected in 2002 for its bright colors and very early ripening time. Through natural hybridization pollination, 256 seedling was got. After regional adaptability and successively observation over eight years from 2002 to 2009, it was finally selected in 2013. This species is a dwarfing tree, attaining a height of 2.5to 3 m; the tree is vigorous with semicircular crown and open tree gesture. Young branches are grey color.Leaves is long and narrow, accumulate, 4 to 5 cm length, 2 to 3 cm width, sharply serrated. Flower is pink,3 to 4 cm across, 5 petals in every inflorescence, pedicel villous. Fruit position is regular and fruit uniformity is unified. Fruit is mainly round or oblate, has yellowish-red peel and light ware surface. Its flesh is ivory yellow, crisp, rich juice, sour-sweet, palatable, good tasty, and fine texture and aroma. The average fruit weight is 146.8 g, maximum fruit weight is 217.5 g, and fruit shape index is 0.82. Juice yield is75.73%, the content of soluble solid is 14.88%, the content of soluble acid is 0.33%, the sugar-acid ratio is 45, hardness is 11.1 kg·cm^-2. Quality is excellent. The fruit development period is 90-100 d and it matures at the end July in Shijiazhuang area. The main characteristic is constant-maturity, non-dropping fruit before picking, good storage stability, high disease resistance, highly and constantly stable yield, and the yield can be 37.5 t·hm^-2. It is resistant to drought, apple valsa canker, apple ring rot disease, and apple fruit anthracnose, apple leaf defoliation diseases, etc. The fruit has very long storage-life, cold storage life is 3 months and shelf life is over 30 days, after storage the fruit aroma is quite strong. Suitable cultivation and introduction area is apple producing areas in Hebei province and some similar climate conditions areas. This variety can bear fruits next year after planted, has high yield potential. Orchard should chooseneutral sandy soil which is flat and has ability of moisture and fertilizer retention; spacing in the rows and spacing between rows are 1.5-3 m × 4-5 m, the configuration of pollinizer is chosen from the main variety of commonly used at present except for‘America 8'; pruning includes pinching, bending and back spune,aiming at controlling tree size and maintaining tree vigor.
出处 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期629-632,共4页 Journal of Fruit Science
基金 国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金项目(CARS–28) 河北省科技厅项目(11220104D-1)
关键词 苹果 新品种 '冀苹1号’ 早熟 Apple New cultivar ‘Jiping 1' Early-ripening
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