

A Probe into the Failure to Prevent Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 from China and U.S.
摘要 1971年,印度借巴基斯坦国内因全民大选引发的危机进行干预,并计划借此良机通过战争削弱巴基斯坦。在这场危机中,虽然中美两个大国都支持巴基斯坦,但是由于其时美国深陷越战泥潭、内外交困;中国因"十年动乱"导致国际国内危机重重;中美两国在应付危机过程中信息交流不充分;故而印度敢于不顾中美两国的反对,最终发动了对巴基斯坦的战争。 A great crisis broke out in Pakistan in 1971 because of the national election. India took the opportunity to intervene and weaken Pakistan through a war. As a result,the domestic crisis in Pakistan evolved into an international crisis between India and Pakistan. During the period of the crisis,the two great powers—China and U. S. sided with Pakistan. However,U. S. was then trapped in Vietnam War,being beset with troubles internally and externally while China faced troubles both from home and abroad,due to the ten years' domestic chaos. Moreover,the exchange of information between China and U. S. was not sufficient during the crisis. Thus India ventured to launch a war against Pakistan regardless of the opposition from China and U.S.,which was not the result China and U.S. expected.
作者 栗广
出处 《广东第二师范学院学报》 2016年第2期53-58,共6页 Journal of Guangdong University of Education
关键词 南亚危机 印巴战争 中国 美国 South Asia Crisis Indo-Pakistani War China U.S.
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