
图片类型对微公益传播效果的影响 被引量:2

Impact of Picture Types on the Effect of Micro-public Welfare Programs
摘要 研究选取新浪微公益已完成的求助项目共1703条,将项目中的图片分成积极、消极和中性三类进行编码统计,结果显示:积极图片组项目完成率最高,中性图片组项目完成率最低,图片类型对微公益传播效果有影响。笔者认为,图片的框架效应影响微公益求助项目的完成率;读图时代人们更注重挖掘图片的内涵和情感;捐助者的注意偏向导致求助者对不同类型图片的偏好;图片本身的视觉冲击力也影响微公益项目的传播效果。建议微公益项目中多使用积极图片来展现求助者的信息,尽量避免使用消极图片。 This study selected 1703 positive, negative and neutral items of micro-public welfare pictures in the sin.com to analyze the competition of these items by SPSS 17.0. The result showed that picture types can influence the communication of micro-public welfare, since the competition of positive items is the strongest while the neutral items being the weakest. It found that: (1) the framing effect of pictures influence the completion of micro-public welfare; (2) readers pay more attention to pictures’ implication and emotion;(3) donors’ concern causes assistance-seekers’ preference for different types of images; and (4)the visual impact of image itself affects communication effect of micro-public welfare items. We, therefore, suggest that more positive picture scan be used to show the information of those in need instead of negative pictures.
出处 《宁波大学学报(教育科学版)》 2016年第3期37-40,共4页 Journal of Ningbo University(Educational Science Edition)
关键词 微公益 图片类型 传播效果 micro-public welfare picture types communication effect
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