
法国葡萄酒旅游发展的经验与启示 被引量:9

Experiences and Implications from the Development of Wine Tourism in France
摘要 葡萄酒旅游是依托葡萄酒产区、以葡萄酒为核心、融合产区其他旅游吸引物发展起来的一类专项旅游,起源于葡萄酒生产历史悠久的法国。长期以来,法国在葡萄酒旅游开发上不断创新,推出葡萄酒之路、葡萄酒博物馆等专项旅游产品,将葡萄酒与美食体验以及乡村旅游相结合。产业融合、跨部门协作、持续创新和完善、坚持核心竞争力与乡土特色是促使法国引领全球葡萄酒旅游潮流的主要因素。尚在起步阶段的中国葡萄酒旅游产业应正视现存的问题,因地制宜,大胆借鉴,科学谋划,协同创新。 Wine tourism focuses on wine and centers around wine region where some other attractions are integrated. Wine tourism is originated from France which enjoys a long history of wine production. For a long time, France initiates innovation in wine tourism development, such as special tourism products of wine road and wine museum, and even the combination between wine, food and rural tourism. The reason that France wine takes a lead in the world can attributed to the four factors, i.e., industrial integration, inter-sectoral collaboration, continuous innovation and improvement, core competencies and local characteristics combined. China's wine tourism industry which is still in the initial stage, should address the existing problems, draw reference from France, make scientific planning, and innovate collaboratively in line with local conditions.
出处 《宁波大学学报(人文科学版)》 2016年第3期95-99,共5页 Journal of Ningbo University:Liberal Arts Edition
关键词 葡萄酒 旅游 法国 创新 wine tourism France innovation
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