
中国经济学如何研究创新发展 被引量:2

How to Study Innovation-driven development of Chinese Economics
摘要 新的国际竞争背景和新一轮科技革命,以及中国自身发展面临的瓶颈,都催生中国产生新的指导创新发展的理论。现有西方创新经济学理论在分析发展中国家创新问题时,其立足点是追赶,难以较好解决开放条件下中国产业长期面临的高增长与低自主创新能力并存的困境。中国作为一个发展中大国,需要跨越后发企业技术追赶理论框架,将企业和产业作为创新发展研究的着力点,以开放经济条件为研究视角,以问题为导向深入剖析创新发展背后的机理,将如何增强自主创新能力作为研究重点,在研究方法上实现方法国际化与问题本土化。 New background of international competition and scientific and technological revolution, and own development bottleneck require new theories for China's innovative development. Existing western innovation economics theory analyzes innovative development in developing countries based on the point of catch-up, which doesn't help to solve the dilemma of the coexistence of high growth and low independent innovation ability in China's industries under the open condition. As a big developing country, China needs a theoretical framework across technologic catch-up in the perspective of open economy, in which firm and industry are force-points and enhancing independent innovative ability is research focus. And it is important to analyze the mechanism of innovative development based on the problems in China and to realize method internationalization and problem localization in the research method.
作者 陈爱贞
出处 《改革》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期141-148,共8页 Reform
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"中国产业创新发展战略研究"(批准号:15ZDC013)
关键词 创新发展 经济学新论 经济学范式转型 innovation-driven development, new views on Economics, economics paradigm transformation
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