
班级朋友对抑郁的影响:一项社会网络分析 被引量:17

The Effect of Friendship Network in Class on College Students' Depression: A Social Network Analysis
摘要 采用朋友提名和Beck抑郁问卷,以73个班级3034名大学生为被试,考察班级朋友网络中不同连接步数朋友的抑郁水平对个体抑郁的影响。结果发现:(1)互选朋友数量对抑郁存在显著的负向影响;(2)在控制了互选朋友数量的影响后,互选朋友中是否存在抑郁者,对个体自身的抑郁不具有显著的预测作用;(3)提名与被提名的直接朋友和两度距离朋友中,抑郁朋友数量对个体的抑郁具有显著的正向预测作用;(4)同性抑郁朋友的数量对个体的抑郁具有显著的正向预测作用,而异性抑郁朋友的数量对个体的抑郁则不具有显著的预测作用。综合上述结果可以得出以下结论:抑郁朋友在班级朋友网络中的影响范围仅限两度距离以内(包括两度),且这种影响不受朋友关系方向的限制。随着抑郁朋友的数量增多,个体抑郁的风险也显著增加,然而抑郁朋友对个体抑郁的影响,可能更多的是受到同性抑郁朋友的影响。 Using social network analysis approach, the current study was investigate the predictive power of depressive friends in class on the chance of college students becoming depression. The present study hypothesizes were tested using data from 73 classes composed of 3034 individuals. The main findings were as follows : ( 1 ) The quantity of mutual friends had negative predictive power on depression. (2) There was no difference between the students who' s had at least one depressive mutual friend and the students whose mutual friends are all no depression. (3) The quantity of depressive friends who nominated or be nominated by a person had significant positive predictive power on a person' s chance of becoming depression. This association extended up to two degrees of separation (to one' s friends' friends). (4) The quantity of same-sex depressive friends had significant positive predictive power on a person' s chance of becoming depression, and there was no significant predictive power of crosssex depression friends on a person' s chance of becoming depression.
出处 《心理发展与教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期339-348,共10页 Psychological Development and Education
基金 国家社科基金重大攻关项目(11&ZD151) 国家社科基金(15CSH051) 中央高校基本科研业务费(2662015RW013和2662014BQ074) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(15YJC190028)
关键词 抑郁 班级朋友网络 同性朋友 异性朋友 depression friendship network in class same-sex friends cross-sex friends
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