
影响青少年参与身体活动的个体因素综述--基于社会生态模型的个体生态子系统 被引量:6

A Review on Correlates of Physical Activities in Adolescents——based on the individual factors of social ecological model
摘要 我国青少年的久坐时间不断增加,身体活动严重不足,导致近视率和肥胖率居高不下。社会生态模型强调包括个体、人际间、组织、社区和政策等多个层次的相互关系。研究将以社会生态模型为理论基础,对国内截止2015年4月正式发表的,以青少年和身体活动为研究对象的论文进行了检索,共有54篇符合综述条件的文献进入研究。结果显示影响青少年参与身体活动的个体因素是性别、年龄、态度、动机、自我效能感、兴趣、学业压力、运动技能和锻炼习惯。 With the sedentary time increasing , adolescents are in the midst of a serious shortage of physical activity , resulting in high rates of myopia and obesity. Social Ecological Model emphasized the multilevel correlations including individual , interpersonal , institutional , community and policy. This research will be based on the theory of the so- cial ecological model, carrying on retrieving thesis officially published by April 2015, whose object is youth and physi- cal activity. A total of 54 articles is eligible into the study. And the results showed that individual factors affecting youth participation in physical activity are gender, age, attitude, motivation, self--efficacy, interest, academic pres- sure, motor skills and exercise habits.
出处 《浙江体育科学》 2016年第3期101-105,共5页 Zhejiang Sport Science
基金 浙江省国民体质与健身技术研究重点实验室资助项目
关键词 青少年 身体活动 个体因素 社会生态模型 综述 adolescents physical activity individual factors social ecological model review
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