
大间隙集中传载结构强度分析方法研究 被引量:1

Strength Analysis Method of Large Clearance and Centralized Load Transmission Structure
摘要 采用塑性材料本构及弹塑性面接触的非线性有限元算法,对大间隙集中传载结构进行了载荷分配、应力应变分布及破坏模式分析,给出了集中传载结构螺栓载荷分布函数、螺栓破坏模式、中截面弯曲应变分布及中截面剖面点应变随预紧力变化曲线,并与解析结果、试验结果进行对比。结果表明,解析计算结果偏于保守,非线性结果准确可靠,非线性有限元分析结果为大间隙集中传载结构强度分析提供了一种行之有效的方法,可用于大间隙集中传载结构设计。 A large clearance and centralized load transmission structure is designed as a model, in which the finite element arithmetic is applied, such as nonlinear stress- strain curve, elastic- plasticity contat the- ory. Three key factors are analyzed, including the bolt load distribution, stress- strain distribution and the rupture mode. According to the study result, the fuction of the bolt load distribution, the bolt rupture mode, the middle section bending curve and section point axis strain along bolt pre- tightening force diver- sification are put forward. Then compared with the analytical result and testing result, the nonlinear results is exact and reliable, on the contrary, analytical result is conservative. These nonlinear element findings signifying a effective analysis method for the large clearance and centralized load transmission structure will be used the airplane structure design.
出处 《航空计算技术》 2016年第2期26-29,33,共5页 Aeronautical Computing Technique
关键词 大间隙 集中传载 弹塑性接触 试验验证 large clearance centralized load transmission elastic- plasticity contact test validation
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