
中国网络政治空间中的话语失序及其原因分析 被引量:6

Discourse Disorder and Its Causes in Chinese Network Political Space
摘要 网络政治空间是网络政治讨论所依托的场所,因而它首先表现为一个话语空间,空间的结构、秩序都通过话语表现出来。在网络空间中,互联网技术作为新的权力来源,为既有权力关系格局带来了变数,现实权力关系和社会秩序难以在网络政治空间中得以复制,从而使网络政治空间呈现出失序的状态。话语失序即是其中十分显性的现象,主要表现在语词与对象的含糊、伪装成语词的价值判断、文明对话规则的失效与公共表达规则的欠缺三个方面。话语失序的原因主要在于:传统权力关系遭到解构、既有秩序难以维系、新空间中的话语权无序竞争。在对现实既有秩序继承和背离的张力之中,话语体系与权力关系之间的相互作用影响着网络政治空间中话语秩序的走向。. The network political space is the place of network political discussion,thus it first manifests itself as a discourse space,and the structure and order of the space is showed through discourse. In cyberspace,internet technology as new source of power becomes a basis of deconstruction of power. Because of that,real power rela-tions and social order is difficult to be replicated in the network political space. In the tension of the succession and deviate from the established order of reality,the phenomenon of discourse disorder appears in network political space,and it mainly embodies three aspects: the ambiguity of words and objects,value judgment disguised as words,the failure of civilized rules of dialogue and the lack of public expression rules. The formation,maintain and loss of discourse order has closely relationship with power relations,and discourse disorder reflects the decon-struction of traditional power and discourse power competition in new space. So under the circumstances,the pro-cess of interaction between discourse system and power relations affects the future of discourse order in network po-litical space.
作者 邹旭怡
出处 《领导科学论坛》 2016年第5期16-26,共11页 The Forum of Leadership Science
关键词 网络政治空间 话语失序 权力关系 network political space discourse disorder power relationship
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