s The biggest advantages of network meta-analysis (NMA) are to compare the effectiveness of different interventions about one conditions using a quantitative way, pool the results of direct comparison and indirect comparison, and rank the effectiveness based on outcomes, so as to select the best decision for patients. In the paper we introduce the methods of applying GRADE system to NMAs based on the papers published by GRADE working group and other relative studies. The steps of using GRADE to NMAs are mainly based on four aspects: firstly, presenting direct and indirect effect estimates and 95% CI; secondly, rating of quality of direct and indirect estimates; thirdly, presenting the results of NMAs; and the last step is to rating the quality of NMA effect estimates. The methods of rating the quality of direct comparison are the same to use GRADE in traditional meta-analysis. The rating of the quality of the indirect estimates is based on the ratings of the two pairwise estimates that contributes to the indirect estimate of the comparison of interest. The lower confidence rating of the two direct comparisons constitutes the confidence rating of the indirect comparison. When both direct and indirect evidence are available, we suggest using the higher of the two quality ratings as the quality rating for NMA estimate. The four steps of rating the quality of NMA from GRADE working group have promoted the theoretical system of NMA. But the process requires the evaluators to be familiar with GRADE system, and conduct pilot test to make sure the evaluators had understood the items of GRADE system correctly. In addition, we also need to concern that the non-transitivity among different groups and the inconsistency between direct comparison and indirect comparison.
Chinese Journal of Evidence-based Medicine