

The Modern Transformation and Trap of Chinese Traditional Conceptual Framework of Governance——Based on A "Context Study" of Kang Youwei's Ta Tong Shu and Sun Yirang's Zhou Li Zheng Yao
摘要 《大同书》与《周礼政要》分别代表了以近代文明为依托的政治观念制度全盘设计和中国特色本位"损益变法"两种改革思路。前者借助《礼记·礼运》之"大同"概念,以救助人类离苦得乐的哲学为宗旨,倡导破除国家、民族、种族、男女、家庭、产业等界别而实现"公政府"的大同之治。后者则以《周礼》所设计的六官系统为依托,结合中国从秦汉直到晚清的历代治理经验,比照欧、美、日本诸国新式政治举措,提出了革新吏治、裁汰冗官、设立议院、立商部、废科举、兴学堂等一系列具体建议。脱胎于传统核心经典的两种国家治理框架方案,是研究古代国家治理观念框架经验时的重要参考,它们在近代政治社会变迁中的困境遭遇,也能给我们提供有益的思想借鉴。 Kang Youwei' s Ta Tong Shu(the Book of Great Community) and Sun Yirang' s Zhou Li Zheng Yao(the Political Essence of Zhou Dynasty' s Rite) were finished in the same year1902,and they are the representatives of two different reforming designs in late Qing Dynasty.Ta Tong Shu renovated the concept of 'Ta Tong' in The Conveyance of Rites(禮運) of Li Chi:Book of Rites,its author claimed 'philosophy of happiness' and called for the 'Elimination of boundaries' such as state,nation,race,gender,family,economy,etc.Only after this kind of reformation can a permanent peace of world governance be implemented.In contrast,Sun Yirang designed his plan according to the classic political system in Rite of Zhou,he reflected the advantages and disadvantages in Chinese history from Qin and Han dynasty to Late Qing,as well as he studied the new political regimes in Europe,in the United States and in Japan.Sun gave advice in a vast field of political reformation such as renewing the bureaucracy system;reduction of redundant personnel;founding of national congress and ministry of business;abolition of the imperial examination and the establishment of modern school system.The two designs were based on similar core classic basis,also the authors tried their best to provide a culture foundation for the political transformation at that time,and they failed in a similar way because of the fierce changes in Chinese society.All of this can enlighten us in many ways as we discuss governance problems of China today.
作者 袁刚 王水涣
出处 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期58-66,325,共9页 Academics
关键词 《大同书》 《周礼政要》 国家治理观念 近代转换 governance Kang Youwei Ta Tong Shu Zhou Li Zheng Yao context
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