1Bruce L. R. Smith and D. C. Huague, The Dilemma of Accountability in Modem Government-Inde-pendence versus Control, St Martin * s Press, 1971 ,p. 312.
2N. Wilding and P. Laundy edit,An Encyclopedia of pailiament,Cassell & Company Lte. 1972,pp.645 -646.
9Smith, Bruce L. R. , "Accountability and Independence in the Contract State", In Bruce L. R. Smith and D. C.Hague, eds. , "The Dilemma of Accountability in Modem Government: Independence Versus Control. 1971, New York: st. Martins Press.
10Gordon Downey, "Public Accountability: Fact or Myth ? " in Public Money , June 1986, Pp. 35 -39.