
基于事件触发机制的推力矢量控制伺服控制系统设计 被引量:1

Design of event-triggered servo control systems for thrust vector control
摘要 针对航天器控制制导系统的数字化,扁平化设计中通信资源紧缺问题,提出一种事件触发伺服控制系统设计方法。方法依据跟踪输出变化偏差决定数据采样和信息传递,较传统周期采样方法能够明显降低总体采样次数,从而可有效降低通信资源的消耗。将由事件触发引入的输出变化偏差视为干扰,事件触发伺服控制系统可建模为仅考虑输入输出的受扰系统,利用受扰系统理论推导出系统稳定跟踪的线性矩阵不等式(LMI)条件,可方便地实现触发机制的设计。仿真结果表明,较周期采样方法,事件触发方法可节约通信资源77.5%以上。 An event-triggered, servo control ( ETSC ) method, which can solve the communication resources constrained problem in design of a digital & fiat control and guidance system for spacecraft, was proposed.Compared with traditional periodical data sam- piing control method, data sampling and transmission are related to the deviation of tracking output in the ETSC system, so there will be no sampling and transmission when the deviation is in an allowable range. By considering the deviation of tracking output as a dis- turbance, ETSC system can be modeled as a input-output perturbed systems.Based on stability theory of perturbed systems, stability condition of ETSC system is deduced in the form of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), which is convenient to the event-triggering scheme design. Simulation results show that, compared with the periodical data sampling control method, ETSC method can save more than 77.5 % of the communication resources.
出处 《固体火箭技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期269-274,共6页 Journal of Solid Rocket Technology
基金 国家自然科学青年基金项目(61304001 61304239)
关键词 事件触发控制 伺服控制 系统设计 触发机制设计 event-triggered control servo control system design event-triggering scheme design
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