

Saul Bellow's Trotskyism and the Critique of Capitalism in The Victim
摘要 研究者大多关注美国犹太作家索尔·贝娄早期小说《受害者》中的反犹主义而疏忽了他在小说中对资本主义制度的批判。《受害者》创作于上世纪40年代大萧条时期,此时贝娄受托洛茨基主义影响具有左倾倾向,但因后期他背离了左翼政治、转变为新保守主义而对政治问题三缄其口,他早期小说中的政治思想也尚未被学界充分认知。文章以贝娄在大萧条语境下的托洛茨基主义思想为基础,结合马恩理论,从小说中的集体失业与个人失业两方面分析贝娄在《受害者》中对资本主义制度的否定以及对不平等的劳工关系的批判。 Many researchers have tended to notice the anti-Semitism in Saul Bellow' s The Victim, to the pointof neglecting its much more underlying critique of capitalism. As a fanatic Trotskyist, Bellow was in concord with left-wing views in the Great Depression when he wrote The Victim; however, due to his deviation from the left-wing politics later, his political views in early novels have not been studied sufficiently. This paper aims to reveal Bel- low' s negative attitude to the capitalism system and his harsh critique of labor relations from the aspect of unem- ployment in this novel.
作者 席楠 刘立辉
出处 《海南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第3期83-89,共7页 Journal of Hainan Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家留学基金
关键词 索尔·贝娄 《受害者》 托洛茨基主义 大萧条 资本主义批判 Saul Bellow The Victim Trotskyism the Great Depression critique of capitalism
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  • 1奍国强.《贝娄学术研究史》,南京:译林出版社,2014年,第270页.
  • 2Bellow,Saul,Saul Bellow:Letters,Ed. Benjamin Taylor,New York:Penguin Group,2010,p.67.
  • 3Hyland,Peter,Saul Bellow,London:Macmillan Education Ltd. ,1992,p.29.
  • 4Bradbury,Malcolm,Saul Bellow' s : The Victim, Gerhard Bach, The Critical Response to Saul Bellow, Westport : GreenwoodPress,1995,p. 36 - 38.
  • 5Gloria L. Cronin, “Our Father’ s Politics: Gregory, Adam andDaniel Bellow”,in Gloria L. Cronin and Lee Trepanier,ed. ,A Political Companion to Said Bellow, Kentucky :The University Press ofKentucky,2013, p. 199.
  • 6Newman,Judie,Trotskyismon the early work of Saul Bellow,Gloria L. Cronin & Lee Trepanier. , A Political Companion to SaulBellow, Kentucky : The University Press of Kentucky ,2013, p. 10.
  • 7Cronin,GloriaL.,0ur father* s politics: Gregory, Adam and Daniel Bellow,Gloria L. Cronin & Lee Trepanier,A Political Com-panion to Saul Bellow, Kentucky :The University Press of Kentucky ,2013,p. 188.
  • 8Bellow,Saul,/(All Adds Up: From the Dim Past to the Uncertain Future,New York:Penguin Modem Classics,2007,p. 100 -102.
  • 9Glotzer,Albert,Trotsky : Memoir and Critique,Buffalo: Prometheus, 1989,p. 9.
  • 10Bellow,Saul,/cAll Adds Up% From the Dim Past to the Uncertain Future,New York:Penguin Modem Classics,2007,p. 100.


  • 1See Michael Kramer, New Essays on Seize the Day, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
  • 2Saul Bellow, "Writers, Intellectuals, Politics : Mainly Reminiscence", in Saul Bellow, It All Adds Up : From the DimPast to the Uncertain Future, London: Martin Seeker & Warburg Limited, 1994, p. 100.
  • 3Benjamin Taylor, "In Defense of Yatta", < http: //www. nybooks, com/articles/archives/2Oll/jul/14/defense - yetta/> [2011/8/6].
  • 4Saul Bellow, "Letter to James T. Farrell", in Benjamin Taylor, ed. , Saul Bellow Letters, New York: Viking,p. 528.
  • 5See Benjamin Taylor, "In Defense of Yetta".
  • 6See "Albert Glotzer", < http : //www. marxists, org/history/etol/entries/glotz01, htm > (2012/5/30).
  • 7Benjamin Taylor, ed. , Saul Bellow Letters, pp. 5 - 6, 340, 373 - 374, 468, 470 - 472, 511 - 512, 518 - 519, 538,542.
  • 8See Saul Bellow, "Mexican General", in Partisan Review, vol. IX, no. 3 ( 1942), pp. 187 - 190.
  • 9Saul Bellow, "Mosby's Memoirs", in Saul Bellow, Mosby's Memoirs, New York : The Viking Press, 1968.
  • 10See Sail Bellow, "Writers, Lntellectuals, Politics : Mainly Reminiscence".








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