

The Starting Point,Focus and Hot Spots in the Traditional Culture Study of the South China Sea
摘要 关于中国南海传统文化的研究始自中国人发现、经营和管辖南海的悠久历史,但真正成为热门话题还是南海丰富的海底资源被发现以后。历史地理学视角是中国南海传统文化研究的起点和重点。1970年代以后,南海周边一些国家对南海觊觎和非法侵占,迫使中国学者以国际法和海洋法为武器,维护中国的合法海洋权益,使中国的南海"历史性权利"成为这一领域的新话题。进入21世纪,随着南海争端的范围在扩大,南海研究也日趋综合化和多学科化,从而使南海历史文化研究成为南海研究的新领域。尽管如此,南海传统文化的研究仍然方兴未艾,许多问题的研究仅仅是个开端,还需要全面展开和深入。 While the long history of the traditional South China Sea cuhure study can date back to the time when the South China Sea was discovered, managed and administered by the Chinese people, it is only after the discovery of rich seabed resources in the South China Sea that the topic has become a actual hot spot ; and the per- spective of historical geography is the starting point and focus for the traditional South China Sea culture study. Since the 1970s, some neighboring countries on the South China Sea have coveted and illegally occupied the South China Sea, thus compelling Chinese scholars to safeguard China' s legitimate maritime rights and interests by virtue of the international law and the marine law, thus making China' s "historic rights" over the South China Sea be- come a new topic in this domain. In the 21 ~' century, with the expansion of the South China Sea dispute, the South China Sea study has become comprehensive and multidisciplinary, thereby rendering the research in the history and culture of the South China Sea as a new aspect in the South China Sea studies. Even so, the research in the tradi- tional culture of the South China Sea is still in the ascendant, and the research in many issues has just started, therefore efforts must be made to further the study comprehensively and profoundly.
作者 王齐冰
出处 《海南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第3期110-115,共6页 Journal of Hainan Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"历史主权与南海传统文化资源保护与开发研究"(编号:12BGJ030) 海南省哲学社会科学规划课题"中国南海传统文化论"(编号:HNSK14-96)
关键词 南海争端 历史性权利 南海传统文化 the South China Sea dispute historic rights the traditional culture of the South China Sea
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