During the Tang Dynasty, the Silk Road in Eurasia had been greatly extended, reaching its peak. Some Central Asian city-states were in the middle section of Silk Road. Although independent to each other, they became links between the East and the West. Sogdians were important traders. Sogdian settlements mostly distributed over the Silk Road, from China to the border of the Byzantine Empire. The settlements relied mainly on commercial activities with a little farming. Kent is one of Sogdian city ruins with the largest number of murals and with the most abundant contents. Although some murals were damaged, they still show beautiful colors and some Sogdian life, customs, and beliefs. The murals in Sogdian city ruins fully relfect the features of communication between Europe and Asia. The murals are not only inlfuenced by Persian and Roman-style, but also permeated Tang Dynasty style. Blending of different cultures is typical characteristic of murals in central Asian city ruins.
Design Research