

Boethius' Thoughts on Philosophy of Mathematics
摘要 作为研究数学发生发展的一般规律的数学哲学,其思想种子从数学诞生之时就开始萌芽。由于对数学概念的理解从古至今发生了一些变化,所以古今对于数学的哲学研究也有所不同。波爱修斯是古典文化和中世纪思想的重要桥梁,他不仅继承了古代著名哲学家的数学哲学思想,对数学及其对象进行了认识论和本体论的探讨,将数学看成是通往智慧之路的基础学科;而且在他的数学哲学思想中,通过对数学对象存在性的研究,推论出对种和属、或一般与个别的关系的讨论,为后世的数学哲学研究奠定了重要的理论基础。 Philosophy of mathematics studies general principles of mathematics from the perspective of philosophy. Therefore, when mathematics began, the seed of philosophy of mathematics appeared. Since the ancient time, the conception of mathematics has changed a lot, and as a result, there are differences between the past and today in philosophy of mathematics. Boethius is an important bridge to connect the ancient classical culture and the medieval thoughts. He inherited ancient famous philosophers' thoughts on mathematics, and investigated mathematics and its objects from the view of epistemology and ontology. He regarded mathematics as the basic way to wisdom. Among his thoughts on philosophy of mathematics, his conclusions on genus and species played a vital role in the later discussion on issues of philosophy of mathematics.
作者 王琦
出处 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期61-65,共5页 Journal of Dialectics of Nature
基金 中国博士后科学基金第57批面上资助"波爱修斯的知识论研究"阶段性成果(项目编号:2015M571222)
关键词 数学 数学哲学 波爱修斯 Mathematics Philosophy of Mathematics Boethius
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