

Comparison of spore loads in Apis mellifera ligustica worker bees inoculated by two ways
摘要 为比较单只接种和自由取食含孢子的糖液2种感染方式对东方蜜蜂微孢子虫在意蜂工蜂中的产孢量的差异,以初羽化意蜂工蜂(<24h)为感染对象,以每只蜂4.96×106个、1.13×108个孢子的剂量分组进行单只接种和自由取食,然后在温箱[(30±0.5)℃,(70%±10%)RH,黑暗]中饲养,分别于3、6、9、12、15日龄取样镜检工蜂的微孢子虫感染情况,并对12、15日龄工蜂的产孢量进行比较。结果表明:在相同接种剂量下,2种方式感染的工蜂感染率无显著差异(P>0.05)。在相同接种量下,单只接种的工蜂平均产孢量比自由饲喂的高(P<0.05)。 In order to evaluate the effectiveness of inoculation methods on the spore loads in Apis mellifera ligustica worker bees, Newly emerged workers (〈24h) were separated into two groups, one group was individually inoculated with Nosema ceranae spores at the dose of 4.96 ×10-6 spores/bee and 1.1 3 × 10-8 spores/bee; another was fed ad libitum at the same dose on average, then bees were kept in incubator at (30±0.5) ℃, (70%±10%) RH, in dark. At 3 days intervals post infection, bees were sampled for Nosema inspection, and spore loads of workers of 12-day and 15-day-old workers were individually counted and compared. The results showed that, the infection rate of worker bee was no significant different between the two groups under the same dose (P〉O.05) However, the spore loads of workers inoculated individually at the two doses were significantly higher than those of workers infected by feeding ad libitum (P〈O.05).
出处 《蜜蜂杂志》 2016年第6期4-6,共3页 Journal of Bee
基金 国家自然科学基金(项目编号:30771635)
关键词 东方蜜蜂微孢子虫 意大利蜜蜂 感染率 产孢量 Nosema ceranae Apis mellifera ligustica infection rate spore yield
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