
基于沙盒的Android应用风险行为分析与评估 被引量:7

Assessment of Android application's risk behavior based on a sandbox system
摘要 Android是移动领域市场占有率最高的操作系统,其开源的系统、海量的应用使得Android的用户量与日俱增,因此Android的安全问题受到业界的高度重视和广泛关注,特别是Android设备上大量涌现的恶意应用,已成为Android生态圈发展所面临的重大问题。该文基于Android4.1.2设计并实现了一个沙盒,能够对Android系统中应用的行为进行动态监视和记录;提出了一种基于行为分析的应用风险评估方法,以便用户对相关应用的风险有一个明确的预判,从而提高和保障用户的安全;通过对恶意应用和正常应用的样本分别进行实验和分析,验证了该文所提出方法的有效性。 Android has become the most popular operating system on mobile devices. However, the Android is an open source system with billions of applications. More users are choosing Android, so Android security problems are receiving much attention in the industry. Android of malware is already a major problem and cannot be avoided in the Android ecosystem. This paper describes a sandbox system based on Android 4.1.2 which can dynamically monitor and record application behavior. A risk assessment approach based on behavior analysis is given so that users can get an explicit risk prognosis for an application to improve their safety. Tests on malware and normal application samples verify the effectiveness of this risk assessment approach.
出处 《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期453-460,共8页 Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61170189 61370126 61502536) 教育部博士点基金资助项目(20111102130003) 国家"八六三"高技术项目(2015AA016004)
关键词 ANDROID应用 沙盒 行为分析 风险评估 Android applications sandbox behavior analysis risk assessment
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