
论多元文化创业团队与市场营销专业实践教学 被引量:2

On Multicultural Entrepreneurial Team and Practical Teaching of Marketing Major
摘要 实践教学是包括市场营销在内的以应用型人才培养为目标的专业提升学生综合能力的重要途径。同时,在近几年我国经济运行下行压力大、就业形势不容乐观的现状下,大学生自主创业已经成为各级政府部门及高校教育教学改革所面临的重要课题。通过对我国高校市场营销专业实践教学现状及多元文化创业团队相关理论分析,可以发现,多元文化创业团队在市场营销专业实践教学应用中的优势与劣势:优势为符合我国现阶段高校教育教学改革要求与方向、创业成本低、在校生的民族性等特点明显、专业化的思维模式更利于科学决策、异质化的团队构成更利于组织创新等,劣势为易于产生冲突、团队组建及管理难度大等。为此,突出团队异质性、探索多样化组合模式、强化创业平台建设等对策将有助于提高市场营销实践教学的质量。 Practical teaching, which aims at the training of applied talents, is an important way for all majors, including marketing, to improve students' comprehensive ability. In re- cent years, with China's economic downward pressure on the operation, and a less optimis- tic employment situation, college students' self employment in China has become an impor- tant issues facing the reform of education and teaching in China's colleges and universities. Through the analysis of related theories of China's college marketing professional practice teaching status and multicultural entrepreneurial team, it has been found that there are ad- vantages and disadvantages of multicultural entrepreneurial team in marketing professional practice teaching application. For this reason, highlighting the team heterogeneity, exploring a variety of portfolio model, strengthening the construction of entrepreneurial platform and other measures will be of great help to improve the quality of marketing practice teaching.
出处 《延边大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第3期131-136,共6页 Journal of Yanbian University:Social Science Edition
基金 吉林省教育科学"十二五"规划2013年度课题(GH13022)
关键词 多元文化创业团队 市场营销专业 实践教学 multicultural entrepreneurial team marketing major practical teaching
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