
外贸隐含碳对环境影响的国际比较——基于五国(地区)面板数据的实证研究 被引量:3

The International Comparison of the Environmental Impact of the Embodied-carbon in International Trade:The Empirical Research on Panel Data of the Five Largest Economies
摘要 伴随着国际货物贸易,CO2的排放也在进口国与出口国之间发生转移,从而对两国环境带来影响。根据中国、美国、欧盟、日本与韩国等国(地区)面板数据对这一碳转移现象及其环境影响进行了实证研究,对五大经济体在国际贸易中的碳交换特征进行了分析比较。结果表明,这五大经济体外贸隐含碳对他国环境的贡献均为反向,即其对外贸易没有对本国环境产生拖累,而是增加了其他国家的环境负担。因此,我们认为减少碳排放需要世界各国进行协调一致的努力,并走低碳绿色发展之路。 International trade has brought a transfer of carbon emissions to global spread, and in turn has detri- mental impact on the environment. The following paper exhibit an empirical study on the phenomenon of carbon transfer and this aforementioned impact. It compares the indicators of the impact of the foreign trade on the environ- ment, utilizing calculations based on the measurement indexes of China, the United States, the EU, Japan and South Korea the five largest economies. The empirical results show that the embodied -carbon contributions of the five largest economies to the other country' s environment are reverse, namely the foreign trade increased the environmental burden of other countries, and there was no drag on their environment. Therefore, it' s believed that the reduction of carbon emissions needs the world' s joint efforts. In particular, the developed countries cannot shirk its responsibility.
作者 曹彩虹
出处 《经济问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期94-101,共8页 On Economic Problems
基金 北京语言大学校级博士科研项目资助(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金)(15YBB03) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71173008)
关键词 国际贸易 隐含碳 环境影响度量 国际比较 international trade embodied - carbon measurement of the environmental impact international comparison
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