

The National Government Cotton Industry Policy and Performance during 1916-1936:Based on the Perspective of Technology Innovation
摘要 1840年以后,晚清政府意识到棉纺织业就像蚕丝业和茶业一样是政府财政收入的重要组成部分。第一次世界大战的爆发,进一步刺激了棉业的壮大。棉花作为棉纺织业的原材料,其需求量刺激了中国对外贸易的发展,促使民国政府在1919-1936年间在各地设立棉花试验场,大量种植棉花,尤其是适用于机器纺织的美棉。山西省政府也在此时以临汾为中心建立了山西棉花试验场,通过对传统棉种的改良,引进先进的科学管理方式,发展山西棉花产业。目前对民国时期棉业发展的主要成果集中在山东、河北、天津等地以及部分江南棉植区,而对山西棉业的研究主要围绕西北实业公司军工用棉为主。本文根据梳理大量原始史料,详细分析了山西省在棉业科学管理和棉种引进改良方面的成功举措,廓清民国时期山西省棉业发展为山西近代工业带来的影响。 1840 years later, late Qing government awarded of the cotton textile industry like silk industry and tea industry is one of the important parts of government revenue. The First World War further stimulated the growth of the cotton industry. Cotton as the cotton textile industry raw materials and its demand has stimulated the develop- ment of China~ foreign trade export, prompting the government of the republic of China in 1919 - 1936 in setting up cotton proving ground, a large number of cotton, especially suitable for the cotton textile machine. Shanxi provin- cial government also at this time, with cotton as the center has established the ShanxiLinfen proving ground, through the improvement of traditional cotton, the introduction of advanced scientific management mode, develop- ment of cotton industry in Shanxi Province. At present the main achievement of the development of the cotton indus- try concentration during the period of the republic of China in Shandong, Hebei, Tianjin and other places, and some of the north cotton planting area, and the study of the cotton industry in Shanxi centered northwest military in- dustrial company mainly cotton. Based on the carding a large number of raw materials, scientific management in the cotton industry in Shanxi Province are analyzed in detail and cotton introduce improved measures, the success of the indexes of cotton industry in Shanxi Province during the period of the republic of the influence of the development of modern industry for Shanxi Province.
作者 梁娜
出处 《经济问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期113-117,共5页 On Economic Problems
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目"新中国成立以来技术引进和技术创新的历程及经验研究"(10CJL007)
关键词 山西 棉业 政策 绩效 Shanxi cotton industry policy performance
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