探讨高压气体吹拂一步法自酸蚀粘接系统S bond对树脂牙本质粘接界面纳米渗漏的影响。5颗离体的完整无龋第三磨牙"十"字纵切,取其中的18份随机分为3组(轻吹;强吹;强吹+轻吹。轻吹气压为0.1 MPa,强吹气压为0.3 MPa),每组6份牙体组织,去除冠釉,进行粘接。各组粘接完成后,℃水浴37 24 h,每份牙体组织切出2片薄片状试件,制备纳米渗漏试件,分别使用场发射扫描电子显微镜(FESEM)和透射电子显微镜(TEM)观察粘接界面纳米渗漏(n=6)。FESEM和TEM观察显示,轻吹组的纳米渗漏最多;强吹组次之;强吹+轻吹组的纳米渗漏最少。轻吹组与强吹+轻吹组纳米渗漏结果之间的差异具有统计学意义(<.。涂布层自酸蚀粘3P 0 05)2 S bond接剂,第1层强吹、第2层轻吹可显著减少粘接界面纳米渗漏,提高粘接界面封闭性。
To investigate the effect of air-blowing pressure on the bonding interfacial nanoleakage of one-step self-etch adhesive S3bond applied in resin/dentine bonding, the five whole and caries-free third molar teeth in vitro were incised vertically in a cruciform shape, the 18 portions of obtained chops were randomly divided into 3 groups. For the 6 portions of tooth tissue, their occlusal enamel was removed, then bonding procedures were proceeded. After bonding procedures, each of tooth tissue portions was stored in water of 37℃ for 24 hours, then two slabs were cut out from each portion and the nanoleakage specimens were prepared. The bonding interfacial nanoleakage of the specimens(n=6) was examined with field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM). The FESEM and TEM results show that the nanoleakage for gentle air-blowing is the most and that for strong air-blowing+ gentle air-blowing is the least, the difference between these two groups' results is significant (P 〉 0.05). Applying two layers adhesive S3bond, blowing the first layer strongly and blowing the second layer gently can reduce the bonding interracial nanoleakage and improve the sealing capability of bonding interface.