

Actively Tackling the Influence of TTIP to China
摘要 美欧经济规模、TTIP(Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership)的预期收益以及面向21世纪国际规则的制定将对全球格局产生深刻的影响,将使中国在国际贸易中陷入被动,对中国经济发展产生挤出效应和替代效应,并对中国发展带来气候变化的环境压力。建议高度重视TTIP、TPP和TiSA等新一轮国际贸易规则磋商可能对我国产生的影响,全面评估TTIP对我国经济增长的影响,加快开展和推进重点FTA谈判进程以及积极推动面向下一代国际贸易规则的改革。 The economy scale of U.S. and EU, the expectation returns of TTIP ( Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership ) and international rules for the 21 st century will put profound impact on the global situation, which will put China in a passive position in international trade, cause crowding out effects and substitution effects as well as bring environmental pressure of climate change to China's economic development. In this paper, we strongly recommend that Chinese government should pay high attention to the influence of new international rules like TTIP, TPP and TiSA to China, assess the impact of TTIP to China's economic development, accelerate and start key FTA negotiations, as well as actively
出处 《全球科技经济瞭望》 2016年第2期14-18,共5页 Global Science,Technology and Economy Outlook
基金 国家软科学计划"十三五科技发展规划编制思路研究"(2013GXS3K051)
关键词 TTIP 贸易规则 自由贸易区 改革 TTIP trade rules FTA region reform promote the reform of next international trade rules
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