
科技型中小企业开放式创新模式的创新绩效研究——以新疆XHF集团为例 被引量:1

Innovation Performance of Enterprises' Open Innovation Model——Take SME XHF Group Ltd. as an Example
摘要 本文在剖析开放式创新模式中的参与主体对企业创新效用和创新绩效影响机理的基础上提炼出开放式创新对企业创新绩效的四个前因变量,建立了开放式创新模式创新绩效的理论模型,引入企业规模、企业资源能力、吸收能力等作为控制变量,假设市场信息效用、技术支持效用、资金支持效用、运营支持效用对企业开放式创新的创新绩效有正向影响。以上假设在新疆XHF集团案例中得到验证。 Based on analysis of the Participants' innovation effectiveness and mechanism of open innovation model, the paper explores explore the impact mechanism of enterprises' open innovation on innovation performance. Then the paper refines 4 antecedent variables of the effect of enterprises' open innovation on innovation performance, and establishes theoretical model of open innovation model' s innovation performance, sets the research hypothesis and the absorptive capacity of control variables, analyses the open innovation' s influence on innovation performance. The paper takes X/IF Group Ltd. as an example of the Case Studies. The results show that the assumption is verified in general.
出处 《新疆财经》 2016年第2期28-35,共8页 Finance & Economics of Xinjiang
基金 新疆维吾尔自治区科学技术协会决策咨询项目"新疆科技型中小企业开放式创新模式研究"(xjkx-14-3)
关键词 开放式创新模式 开放式创新效用 创新绩效 案例分析 Open Innovation Model Utility of Open Innovation Innovation Performance Case Studies
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