
重庆南山隧道工程涌水隐患研究 被引量:12

Hazard of water gushing caused by Nanshan Tunnel engineering,Chongqing
摘要 运用地下水动力学法计算隧道涌水影响半径,采用地下水动力学法、古德曼经验公式,经验解析法公式计算涌水量,并比较中梁山铁路隧道修建对漏水的影响,得到以下结论:(1)从涌水半径来看,南山隧道涌水半径(642m)比轻轨隧道涌水半径(727m)小。轻轨隧道高程较南山隧道高程低,因此轻轨隧道拦截了一部分集雨面积,使得南山隧道涌水量降低。(2)科斯加科夫渗透入量法结果与调查结果更为接近。(3)涂山湖大湖漏水的影响远远小于小湖。这可从中梁山隧道引起的漏水得到启示。涂山湖在南山隧道的影响半径之内,其中大湖因为泥沙淤积时间长,因此受影响小,涂山湖的小湖因为成湖时间不长,因此受影响大。同时要注意南山隧道漏水,浮托力消失,在隧道漏水影响范围内注意岩溶塌陷的隐患。在积极面对南山隧道漏水可能存在的隐患之外,还应该调动群众的力量,将损失影响减少到最小。 In this paper, the radius and inflow of water gushing are respectively analysed, by using the methods of groundwater dynamics, Goodman experiential formula and experiential analysis formula. In addition, inflow rate of the water affected by railway tunnel constructions is also comparatively analysed. The analytical results enable us to draw the conclusions as follows: (1) the radius (642m in length) of the gushing water at Nanshan tunnel is smaller than that at light rail tunnel (727m in length). The altitude of the light rail tun- nel is lower than that of Nanshan tunnel, which intercepts some of water bearing area and decreases the quantity of water flowing into Nanshan tunnel. (2) The inflow of the gushing water estimated by Coase Pes- kov method is much closer to the figures from field measurements. (3)Theinfluence of water leakage at the Tushan lake is much smaller than that at the small lake, as the inspective result gained from the water leak- age of Zhongliang Mountain. Tushan lake is located within the influence range of Nanshan tunnel, which is affected by Nanshan tunnel. There is a comparatively larger lake and smaller one in the Tushan lake area. The larger lake which has been formed in a quite long period of time, resulting in a thick layer of silty sedi- ment at the bottom of the lake; and it is lightly affected by water leakage of the tunnel. ()n the contrary, the smaller one of Tushan lake, with a thin layer of sediment at its bottom, is greatly affected by the water leak- age of the Nanshan tunnel. The karst collapse hazard within the influence range of Nanshan tunnel deserves attentions, because water leakage of the tunnel may lead to the loss of buoyant force of the rock mass. In addition, to minimize any losses due to the hazard, it is important for the public to involve in monitoring and mobilizing.
出处 《中国岩溶》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期74-80,共7页 Carsologica Sinica
基金 重庆市自然科学基金项目(CSTC2012jjA80008) 国家自然科学基金(41202135)
关键词 岩溶 隧道 涌水 重庆 karst, tunnel, water gushing, Chongqing
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