
国际开放教育资源和慕课(MOOCs)研究文献计量分析(2000-2015) 被引量:10

Bibliometric Analysis on International Studies on Open Educational Resources and Massive Open Online Courses(MOOCs) (2000-2015)
摘要 为了解国际开放教育资源(OERs)和慕课(MOOCs)研究领域的发展历程和趋势,以2000-2015年期间Web of Science上发表的229篇与"开放教育资源"和"慕课"相关的已有文献为分析对象,采用文献计量相关方法,对国际OERs和慕课领域的研究情况进行了基于作者、期刊、关键词共现、高影响力文献等信息的梳理。研究发现:(1)在2012年之前,OERs和慕课领域的研究仍然属于起步阶段;自2012年之后,该领域的研究呈现出蓬勃发展的态势;(2)该领域的研究者数量较多,以英美国家作者居多,亚非拉国家的作者偏少;(3)International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning是该领域最活跃的一本期刊;(4)通过关键词共现分析发现。 To better understand the developmental process and trend of international Open Educational Resources and Mas- sive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) related research,the study analyzed 229 articles that were published in the Web of Science dur- ing 2000 and 2015 with "Open Education Resources" and "Massive Open Online Courses" as the keywords or part of title contents. The method of bibliometrics was used to analyze the collected articles. The information of the authors, cited journals and keywords co-occurrence of the 229 articles was analyzed. The study has confirmed that (1) during the past 15 years, the number of international studies on OERs and MOOCs has increased dramatically, with a huge surge after 2012; (2) there are a large number of researchers in thisresearch field. Majority of them from British, America countries, few from Asia, Africa and Latin America; (3) International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning is the most active journal in publishing related OERs and MOOCs; (4) besides OERs and MOOCs, the research hotspots in this field also include higher education, online learning, e-learning, connectivism, distant education, students, knowledge and so on; (5) co-citation analysis has found that there are some obvious trends in OERs and MOOCs related re- search, including the effect of OERs and MOOCs on expanding the participation and socialization of higher education, OER sand MOOCs usage status, studies on the application of OERs and MOOCs in instructional activities, and issues such as technical issues, fi- nancial issues, social recognition issues, policy-oriented or law support issues related to the sustainable development of OERs and MOOCs.
作者 李艳 张慕华
出处 《远程教育杂志》 CSSCI 2016年第3期76-87,共12页 Journal of Distance Education
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"世界开放教育资源运动背景下中国高校的应对策略研究"(13CGL113)的研究成果
关键词 开放教育资源 OERs MOOCs 共现分析 共被引分析 研究热点 研究前沿 Open educational resources OERs MOOCs Co-occurrence analysis Co-citation analysis Research hotspots Research front
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