
人性的救赎——从犯罪心理学角度解读《另一个世界》 被引量:1

An Analysis of “The Other Place”from the Perspective of Criminal Psychology
摘要 犯罪心理学是研究犯罪人或有犯罪倾向的人的心理活动和心理发展的学科。在美国作家玛丽·盖茨基尔的短篇小说《另一个世界》中,暴力血腥的犯罪心理贯穿了主人公的童年时期。不仅如此,主人公儿子的心理发展与主人公儿时的状况惊人相似。这种看似与生俱来的犯罪心理在主人公创造的"另一个世界"里得以形成与发展。本文借助犯罪学家切萨雷·龙勃罗梭"天生犯罪人论"及犯罪心理学相关理论探究小说主人公犯罪心理的形成、发展以及最终的抑制,认为盖茨基尔传达了一种人文关怀,指导人们深入了解人性本身,直面人性的阴暗面,并依靠内外的力量阻止阴暗心理支配下的行动。 Criminal psychology is a field of research which studies the development of criminal minds of criminals or people with criminal tendencies. In the short story "The Other Place" written by Mary Gaitskill, the criminal mind is revealed in the hero' s mind during his childhood and in addition, his son bears a similar criminal mind which develops in the so-called "the other place" created by the two characters in their minds. Based on the story "The Other Place", this paper intends to explore the formation, development and control of the hero' s criminal mind while borrowing "born criminal theory" and other criminology-related theories. The analysis of the criminal mind discloses Gaitskill' s humanistic care to guide people to face the dark side of human nature and to prevent criminal behavior by external forces.
作者 蔡斌 钱益瑞
出处 《外国语文》 北大核心 2016年第1期19-23,共5页 Foreign Languages and Literature
关键词 另一个世界 玛丽·盖茨基尔 犯罪心理 人性 criminal psychology Mary Gaitskill human nature
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