
角色扮演教学在儿童保健教学中的实践探索 被引量:4

A pilot study about application of role-play teaching method in clinic medical education of Children Primary Health Care
摘要 目的通过探索“角色扮演”在注意缺陷多动障碍教学中的作用,了解“角色扮演”教学对儿童保健教学中发育与行为相关内容的影响。方法将191名2011级儿科系本科学生按班为单位分组。每班再分3小组,每组9~10人,并提供参考资料及网络资源链接。要求每小组分别以不同临床分型注意缺陷多动障碍患儿学习、生活为主干自行编排短剧。学习第3周,分班分组进行表演并评奖;教师点评及补充相关知识。第4周。大课再次讲授该病的概念、临床表现、分型、治疗等内容:学生登陆网络教学平台并完成问卷。网络教学平台系统根据学生完成问卷情况自动生成相关数据,提取生成数据并进行统计、分析。结果50.3%(96/191)的学生认为该教学方法“很好”,43.7%(83/191)的学生认为“好”;33.2%(63/191)的学生认为该教学对自学有“很大帮助”;29%(55/191)的学生认为对拓展临床思维有“很大帮助”。针对是否在示教后仍需进行相关大课教学的问题,59.5%(114/191)的学生认为“仅需补充部分知识”。结论“角色扮演”教学可以提高教学效果并帮助学生适应未来临床工作需要,提高其对疾病识别、判断及诊断的能力;同时,应对相应大课教学内容进行调整。 Objective In order to understand application of role-play teaching method in clinic medical education of Children Primary Health Care about developmental and behavioral diseases, this study was performed. Methods 119 undergraduate students of Grade 2011 were divided into 4 classes and every class was again divided into 3 groups with 9 or 10 students in each group. And reference information and network resources link were provided for them. All groups in each class were asked to weave a plot, which should be about life of a child in school and family, who was with one kind of clinical types of attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). On the 3rd week, all groups perform their plots. The best group should win a prize. At that time, teachers should evaluate these plays and add some information about ADHD. On the 4th week, the concept of the disease, clinical manifestations, classification, treatment and other content were once again taught in the form of lecture and students landed network teaching platform and completed the questionnaire. Network teaching platform system based on the students' completion of the questionnaire automatically generated relevant data, extracted and generated data and statistics analysis. Result 50.3% (96/191) students think the role-play study is very good. 43.7% (83/191) students think it is good. 33.2% (63/191) students think the role-play study is very helpful for their self study. 29% (55/191) students think it is very helpful to broadening the scope of clinical thinking. In view of the problems about whether or not to teach after the relevant teaching, 59.5% (114/191) of the students believe that teachers just should add partial knowledge about ADHD. Conclusion Role playing teaching can improve the teach- ing efficiency and help students to adapt to the future clinical work, improve their ability to identify, judge and diagnose the disease, and at the same time, deal with the corresponding teaching content of the major courses to adjust.
出处 《中华医学教育探索杂志》 2016年第4期403-406,共4页 Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research
基金 重庆市高等教育学会2015-2016年度高等教育科学研究课题(CQGJ153583B):重庆医科大学儿科学院2014年一类教学课题
关键词 角色扮演教学 临床医学教育 儿童保健 Role-play teaching Clinic medical education Children primary health care
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