
论“反乌托邦三部曲”中的社会权力机制 被引量:3

Social Patterns and Power Mechanisms in the “Three Great Dystopian Novels”
摘要 作为20世纪反乌托邦小说的三大代表作,《我们》、《美丽新世界》、《一九八四》都对各自故事中的专制社会进行了辛辣的讽喻和批判。本文分别以泰勒主义、福特主义、管理型社会为视角,对这三部作品中的社会类型和权力机制进行了系统分析,以期挖掘出其中深刻的政治文化内涵。研究认为,三部作品中的极权主义政府通过各自复杂而精细的社会权力机制,有效地实现了控制国民思想、维持社会现状的目的;在其作者看来,只有最大程度的限制政府的职能范围,才能保证公民拥有足够自由的选择,避免走上通往奴役之路。 As the three most critically acclaimed dystopian novels in the 20th century, We, Brave New World and Nineteen Eighty - Four are biting satires of political despotism. The paper aims to make a detailed analysis of their respective social patterns and power mechanisms from the perspectives of Taylorism, Fordism, and Managerial Society. The purpose is to explore the political and cultural implications therein. The study ar- gues that the totalitarian governments in the three novels attempt to control their citizens and maintain the sta- tus quo through their intricate power mechanisms, and the authors share the assumption that the only way to ensure the citizens' freedom to choose and to keep them away from the road to serfdom is to impose strict lim- its on government ' s extent of now,~r
作者 李锋
出处 《华中科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期13-18,46,共7页 Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)
关键词 反乌托邦 泰勒主义 福特主义 管理型社会 critically acclaimed dystopian taylorism fordism managerial society
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