针对低阶QAM调制信号难以满足通信需求,设计了一种高效率的QAM系统。该系统基于软件无线电平台设计思想,根据正交调制解调原理,建立1024QAM调制解调系统模型,设计了数字上下变频、位同步模块,并利用System Generator工具箱对系统进行仿真。结果表明,该系统能正确恢复原信号,且理想条件下传输速率理论值高达10bit/(s·Hz),一定程度上解决了频带紧张问题,尤其在高信噪比(≥30dB)条件下,还可获得较好的可靠性。
The low order QAM modulation signal is difficult to meet the demand of communication, so an efficient QAM system is designed. Based on the thought of software radio platform and the algorithms of digital orthogonal, the 1024QAM modem system is set up, the digital frequency conversion and bit synchronization module are designed. System Generator tool is used for modeling and simulation at last. The result shows that the system can recover the original signal correctly, and *he transmission rate is up to 10 bit/(s · Hz). The problem of band tension is improved and the better reliability is ob- tained at high signal to noise ratio (930 dB) condition.
Journal of Guilin University of Electronic Technology