为解决分布式声学测量中时间同步的问题,在对比不同的时间同步技术的基础上,提出基于IEEE 1588协议实现时间同步的设想。对IEEE 1588时间同步的原理和实现方式进行了研究,分析了采用硬件时间标记的实现方式的优势。使用FPGA搭建了测试系统,并对同步精度进行了测量。测试表明,所采用的实现方式能够达到优于200 ns的同步精度。
To solve the time synchronization problem in the distributed acoustic measurement, this paper compared different time synchronization technologies and employed IEEE 1588 protocol. The IEEE 1588 principle and implementation methods are researched and the advantage of the hardware time stamp is analyzed. FPGA is used to implement the test system. Test results show that an accuracy better than 200 ns can be guaranteed.
Network New Media Technology