
无损升压APFC电路研究与设计 被引量:2

Research and Design of Lossless Boost APFC Circuit
摘要 有源功率因数校正(APFC)电路作为提高功率因数的有效措施,已成为电力电子装置应用与研究热点。实际应用中大多数APFC电路采用Boost变换电路。此电路结构简单,但开关管在高频工作状态下开关损耗较大。为解决这一问题,给出一种改进型无损软开关电路,该电路无需额外增加开关与控制器件,应用于升压式APFC电路能有效减小高频开关管损耗,提高变换器转换效率。通过2 kW实验样机,验证了该电路的有效性。 Active power factor correction(APFC) circuit as the effective method to improve the power factor has bec- ame the hot topics in the field of applications and power electronic devices.Most APFC circuits adopt Boost circuit. This circuit structure is simple,but the high frequency switch work will produce serious switching loss.In order to solve the problem, an improved lossless soft switch circuit is given, the circuit requires no additional switch and con- trol circuit.The lossless circuit which used in the Boost APFC circuit can reduce the loss of high frequency switch and improve the efficiency of converter conversion.A 2 kW prototype is made to verify the availability of the circuit.
作者 惠晶 符海军
机构地区 江南大学
出处 《电力电子技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期62-64,共3页 Power Electronics
基金 国家自然科学基金(51407084)~~
关键词 有源功率因数校正 无损软开关 转换效率 active power factor correction lossless snubber conversion efficiency
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