

Predictors of Chinese-English Biliteracy:Phonological and Morphological Awareness in Two Languages
摘要 文章探讨双语一年级及五年级学童声韵意识、构词意识与英、汉语认字的相关性,以及上述两种意识能否跨语言预测文字认读。英、汉声韵意识测验皆采用声母删音测验。英语构词意识采复合词测验及派生词测验;汉语构词意识采同音词素测验及复合词测验。结果显示,以语言内的预测力而言,声韵意识与汉字认读相关,但在控制了构词意识后,其相关性变得不显著。相反,汉语构词意识在控制了汉语声韵意识后,仍能有效预测汉字认读。在英文认字方面,其结果与汉字认读相似。英语构词意识比英语声韵意识有更好的预测力。以跨语言的预测力而言,英语派生词意识可以跨语言预测汉字认读,而此预测力独立于汉语声韵意识与构词意识之上,所以英汉意识的综合指标比单一汉语意识能更有效的预测汉字认读。 The present study investigated the contributions of phonological and morphological awareness for predicting word reading within and across languages.Participants were 61 first-grade and fifth-grade Chinese-English bilinguals,who had lived and studied in English-speaking areas for at least 3 years before they studied in China.Phonological awareness was measured by deletion tests in both Chinese and English.Morphological awareness of English was measured by compound construc-tion and derivational morphology.Morphological awareness of Chinese was measured by homophone sensitivity and compound construction.The results showed that among predictors of each language, Chinese phonological awareness was associated with Chinese character reading,but its significance disappeared after controlling for morphological awareness of Chinese. However, morphological awareness of Chinese made a significant unique contribution to Chinese character reading after taking phonological awareness of Chinese into account.Similar patterns of results were obtained in predicting English word reading,where morphological awareness of English,rather than phonological aware-ness,was the unique predictor of English word reading.Across languages,awareness of English deri-vational morphology predicted unique variance in Chinese character reading over and above phonologi-cal and morphological awareness of Chinese.These results suggested additionally involving awareness of English derivational morphology can better predict Chinese character reading than involving Chinese measures alone.
作者 孙杨杨
出处 《语言科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期199-211,共13页 Linguistic Sciences
关键词 英语词汇 元语言意识 汉字认读 构词意识 声韵意识 双语教学 bilingual education meta-linguistic awareness morphological awareness phonologi-cal awareness reading English reading Chinese
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