
国外个人数字存档实践研究与思考 被引量:6

The Research and Thought Towards Foreign Personal Digital Archiving in Practice
摘要 个人数字存档(Personal Digital Archiving)就是采用信息技术手段对个人数字档案进行收集、整理、记录、保存、组织、检索、传播和利用。体现了对个人和家庭记忆的延续,是个人存档在数字时代的创新和发展。本文对国外具有代表性的系统进行分析,期望对我国个人数字存档实践思考。 Personal Digital Archiving means taking information technological measures towards personal digital archive to collect, arrange, record, preserve, organize, retrieve, spread, and employ. That illustrates the continuity of personal and family memory, and is the innovation and development of personal archiving in digital.era. This paper aims to analyze the representative foreign systems, and expects to consider the practice of domestic personal digital archiving.
作者 周亚锋
出处 《信息资源管理学报》 2016年第2期94-100,共7页 Journal of Information Resources Management
关键词 个人数字档案 个人数字存档 个人存档 Personal digital archive Personal digital archiving Personal archiving
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