为了实现对老年人跌倒报警的需求,提出了一种基于Arduino单片机的跌倒报警系统设计方案,并完成系统的软硬件设计。该系统由便携式设备与监护APP组成,便携式设备主要包括完成数据处理的8位AVR单片机Arduino NANO、实现通信功能及短信报警的SIM900A芯片、实现跌倒检测功能的ADXL345芯片与实现定位功能的WAVESHARE GPS NEO 6M芯片。监护APP部分采用基于Android 4.4与高德地图包开发,支持国内任意地点显示,支持路径规划及语音播报。实际应用与测试结果表明,该系统具有操作简便、跌倒报警准确、定位精度高等特点,具有很强的实用价值和良好的市场前景。
In order to satisfy the fall deterction of old people, a design scheme of fall monitoring system based on Arduino MCU is proposed. and the hardware and software design of the system is completed. The system consists of a portable device and a APP monitor, The portable device mainly includes 8-bits Arduino AVR MCU, the SIM900A chip which realizes the communication function and SMS alarm, the ADXL345 chip which realizes fall detection function, and the GPS NEO 6M WAVESHARE chip which realizes the positioning function. APP monitor is based on Android 4.4 and AutoNavi map package development, support domestic arbitrary locations show easy tracking view. Practical application and test results show that, the system has the advantages of simple operation, accurate positioning, fall alarm precision, meet the design requirements.
Electronic Design Engineering