以有机磷酸酯钕(简称Nd)为主催化剂、二异丁基氢化铝(简称Al)和氯化二异丁基铝为助催化剂进行1,3-丁二烯(Bd)的聚合,制备了超高顺式含量的聚丁二烯橡胶,考察了Bd聚合影响因素,并采用傅里叶变换红外光谱和核磁共振碳谱表征了聚合物的微观结构。结果表明,催化剂在二元陈化过程中加入单体Bd/Nd(摩尔比)10~20,且在Al/Nd(摩尔比)为4~10、温度为-30~30℃、反应时间为6 h的条件下,所制得聚丁二烯橡胶的顺式-1,4-结构摩尔分数均超过99%,最高可达100%。
The uhra high cis-1,4-polybutadiene was synthesized by polymerization of 1,3-butadiene (Bd) with organic phosphate neodymium ( simplied as Nd) as main catalyst, diisobutyl aluminum hy- dride (simplied as A]) and chlorodiisobuty] alumin- ium as the cocatalyst, the effect factors of polymeri- zation of Bd were investigated, and the microstruc- ture of the polymer was characterized by Flourier transform infrared spectroscopy and 13 C-nuclear mag- netic resonance. The results showed that under theoptimum polymerization conditions of Bd/Nd (mole ratio) for two-component aging of the catalyst 10 - 20, A1/Nd (mole ratio) 4 - 10, reaction tempera- ture -30 -30 ℃ ,reaction time 6 h, the mole frac- tion of cis-1,4-unit of polybutadiene was more than 99% , the highest nearly 100%.
China Synthetic Rubber Industry