

Study on Detection Algorithm and Identification of Towed Decoy Jamming for HPRF-PD Seeker
摘要 HPRF-PD体制导引头由于受到拖曳式诱饵的欺骗式或者压制式干扰而无法稳定跟踪目标,为了提高其稳定跟踪目标的能力,研究和设计抗拖曳式干扰的措施尤为重要。本文从检测与识别干扰着手,提出了一种基于广义似然比(GLRT)的检测方法来判断是否存在拖曳式干扰,该方法根据跟踪过程中单脉冲比实部和虚部的分布推导出拖曳式诱饵是否存在的判决公式。在识别出目标和干扰时采用双谱线角度跟踪的方法,通过两条跟踪曲线的幅度信息区分出目标和干扰,最后结合实际攻击场景给出了系统仿真结果,验证了上述方法的可行性。 Due to deceptive or suppressive jamming of the towed decoy,the HPRF -PD seeker can’t track target stably.In order to improve capability of tracking target stably,it is important to study and design measures for anti towed decoy jamming.Starting from detection and identification of jamming,a detection method based on general-ized likelihood ratio test (GLRT)is presented to judge whether there is towed decoy jamming.A formula,which is used to judge whether there is towed decoys,is deduced according to distribution of real and imaginary parts of mo-nopulse ratio in the course of tracking target.A method of dual -spectral -line angle tracking is used while identif-ying target and jamming.And the target and jamming can be distinguished on basis of amplitude information of two tracking curves.The system simulation result is given by combining practical attack scenario,which verifies the feasibility of the presented method.
机构地区 南京理工大学
出处 《火控雷达技术》 2016年第1期74-80,共7页 Fire Control Radar Technology
关键词 拖曳式干扰 广义似然比 单脉冲比 瑞利分布 towed decoy jamming generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) monopulse ratio Rayleigh distribution
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