目的检索并分析当前国内外糖尿病足研究的现状与热点。方法选取2011年1月—2016年1月中国学术期刊网络出版总库(CNKI)3 844篇糖尿病足相关文献和美国国立医学图书馆Pub Med数据库1 458篇糖尿病足相关文献,进行计量分析并对比。结果国内出现≥81频次的关键词共14个,国外出现≥53频次的主题词共计16个,通过高频词聚类分析分别得到树状图,总结出糖尿病足国内4个研究热点和国外5个研究热点。结论国内外糖尿病足研究热点存在一致性和差异性,我国对糖尿病足的研究已有坚实的基础,今后的研究应继续发扬自身目前的优势,同时学习国外的经验,弥补不足。
Objective To explore and analyze the research focuses of diabetic foot at home and abroad. Methods Totally 3 844 articles related to diabetic foot in China and 1 458 articles related to diabetic foot from abroad published in the past 5 years were selected. Co-occurrence analysis and content analysis were conducted by using the software. Results There were 14 keywords with frequency of occurrence higher than 81 times in domestic articles and 16 keywords frequency of occurrence higher than 53 times in foreign articles. Four domestic research focuses and 5 foreign research focuses were concluded. Conclusion There are similarities and differences of research focus of China and abroad. There is solid foundation for the study of diabetic foot in China and researchers should take full advantage of existing achievements and at the same time learn more from experience abroad.
Journal of Nursing(China)
diabetic foot
co-word analysis
ctuster analysis
research focus